Germans have too much holidays, 30 days the year at average, that means together with public holidays around 7 weeks. Germany has around 82.117.000 inhabitants now (constant decreasing), and 13,42 percent of then are on vacation. 11.422.700 calculated people are permanently on vacation! O.k., I failed the babies, the unemployed and so on. So let’s say 9 Million Germans are travelling permanently.
53,2 percent are travelling to European Countrys, 29,2 percent to countrys overseas, 12,6 percent to Germany itself and 5 percent stay at home.
The ranking of european countries for german travellers ist Spain at first, then Turkey, Italy, Greece, France and Austria. That means millions of Germans are constantly in this countrys, what a horror! I know what I say, Germans in foreign countrys are terribe- noisy, arrogant, unsatisfied and ignorant. What a shame sometimes! I remember some situations when we talked together in english language only no to appear as a germans among germans!
What about Ireland? –> Ireland is not a popular country for Germans. May be because of the bad wheather-conditions. It’s raining a lot… But Ireland has a great landscape, especially wild coast lines, wide rural areas, ethnic pubs, great music, ancient ruins…
I have been there 15 years ago, together with 5 pals shipping a boat along the shannon river, nothing to see than the sod along the river, some pubs and many cows and sheeps. Boring.
What is this preparation for? — We decided to make a vacation of 2 week in the beginning of June in Ireland. The flight is booked, the expectation of a great coast line, spectacular hikings, funny pubs and bad wheather ist prepared in mind. Do anyone have recommandations????